Meet The Team

meet the team

Founder & Director of Operations
Casey Goodwin
As a teenager, I was drawn to the mysterious and the obscure, spending long evenings exploring abandoned homes with sordid pasts, as well as other notorious locations in and around his home in Southern California. After relocating to Oregon in 1994, my interest in the unexplained continued to flourish, eventually leading me to co-found Oregon Paranormal in 2009, with the express purpose of conducting related exploration in and around the Pacific Northwest through data collection and analysis, historical research, documentation, education, and collaborative efforts with like-minded teams and independent researchers. Through my work, carried out with both sensitivity and respect, I have helped many families and individuals struggling to comprehend the oft incomprehensible.

Founder & Client Relations Director
Scott Riedel
Stories of the paranormal have fascinated me throughout my life. Through research and personal experience, I have come to understand that there are some things that cannot be explained with current information. My goal is to help people who are experiencing incidents that they cannot explain. It is my commitment to do this using accurate investigating and deductive reasoning. Philosophically I will try to explain and debunk situations so that anything that is left in the normal or ?para? normal. It is our belief that by doing this, we will help people better understand and also further strengthen the field of paranormal research through scientific explanation.

Director of Historical Research
Jay Verburg
Jay Verburg began his unexpected paranormal journey as one of the two Greenhorn miners on SyFy’s Ghost Mine. With a passion for the Old West, he has been casually exploring ghost towns and abandoned locations, striving to discover historically relevant areas for the past 15 years. His fascination with history and the gold that still runs through the mountains of Eastern Oregon unexpectedly led him to the small town of Sumpter. It was there, just few years later, he would find himself not only working as a hard rock miner, but witnessing events that have led him to an entirely new journey — paranormal research.

Investigator & Field Researcher
Nikki Van Ryn
Ever since I was a child I have been interested in the paranormal. I found myself captivated by other peoples’ personal accounts as well as spooky story books and television shows. While I am a firm believer, I find it extremely important to study, analyze, and question all possibilities. Having inexplicable experiences of my own, I seek to educate and help those who seek answers, and fully research what I cannot explain. I am dedicated to developing conclusions and obtaining results for the community, my team, the field, and myself.

Historical Research Coordinator
Tristan Goodwin
Ghost stories and the paranormal in general have interested me since I was a child. It wasn't until 10 years ago that my interest was peaked again. I can attribute that to the Travel Channel's ghost documentaries on the South. Now that I am older, I am able to do what most people only think about doing. Being part of Oregon Paranormal gives me the opportunity to contribute more to the field by documenting and further proving the existence of the afterlife.